Who We Are

The Arizona Indian Gaming Association was established in November 21, 1994, by Arizona tribal leaders. The Association is committed to advancing the lives of Indian peoples – economically, socially and politically – so Indian Tribes in Arizona can achieve their goal of self-reliance.

Member Tribes

The Association is committed to protecting and promoting the welfare of Tribes striving for self-reliance by supporting tribal gaming enterprises on Arizona Indian lands. Speaking on behalf of its member Tribes with one, unified voice, AIGA serves as a clearinghouse and educational, legislative and public policy resource for Tribes, policymakers and the public on Indian gaming issues and tribal community development. This organization is deeply committed to maintaining and protecting Indian sovereign governmental authority.

The Arizona Benefits Fund

Tribal Gaming in Arizona

Tribal Gaming News

Tribal Gaming Impact

$ 0 Billion has been contributed
0 + Jobs Created from Tribal Gaming

$ 1 Billion



  • Teacher compensation
  • Reducing class size
  • Dropout prevention
  • Improved instruction

$ 509 Million

Emergency Services and Trauma Care

Emergency Services & Trauma Care

  • Improved patient care and survival rates
  • Cover unfunded trauma and emergency services
  • Support the education of healthcare workers
  • Provide community programs for injury prevention

$ 259 Million

Cities Towns and Counties

Cities, Towns, Counties

  • Tribes in the urban areas contribute to support social, cultural, and infrastructure needs. Rural communities contribute funds for essential services, like police and fire

$ 145 Million



  • Arizona marketing efforts, domestic & international advertising in print, broadcast and social media
  • Promote the Tourism industry in Arizona
  • Enhance research to benefit the Industry

$ 145 Million

Wildlife Conservation

Wildlife Conservation

  • Restoring native landscapes
  • Promoting nature-based tourism
  • Conserve wildlife
  • Support shooting ranges and sports

*Arizona Department of Gaming – Tribal contributions to the State (Arizona Benefits Fund) as of December 2024.

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