AIGA Congratulates Diane Enos and Valerie Spicer for Being Listed Among the Fifty Most Influential Women in Arizona Business

(Phoenix, Arizona) The Tribal Leaders of the Arizona Indian Gaming Association congratulate Diane Enos, President of the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community and Valerie Spicer, Executive Director Arizona Indian Gaming Association on being named as two of the Fifty Most Influential Women in Arizona Business 2013.

For Immediate Release

Contact: Strategies/Pam Hait or Martha Hunter

(602) 952.0040

The prestigious award is given by AZ Business Magazine to honor Arizona women business leaders and innovators. According to the magazine, the editorial team first compiled a list of 500 women which was then narrowed to 100. Those names were sent to twenty (20) of their peers who voted on each candidate.

In addition to serving as President of the SRPMIC, Enos is the first person to become an attorney from the Community. She is also, she noted, “a painter at heart.” Valerie Spicer, who has more than twenty-five years experience in gaming, brings a wide-ranging background in business to AIGA. Both women are committed to improving the lives of Indian people by creating jobs and opportunities on tribal lands that positively impact all Arizonans.

A reception will be held Thursday, August 22nd to honor all Fifty Most Influential Women in Arizona Business. Tickets for the event can be purchased through AZ Business Magazine.



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