AIGA June 2017 Newsletter

The news of the dispute settlement between the Tohono O’odham Nation and the State of Arizona is welcome as it concludes a lengthy chapter limiting the progress of Tribal Gaming in our state.


Arizona Indian Gaming Association Chairperson Bernadine Burnette stated that, “Today is a victory for tribes and Arizona. The settlement supports the AIGA and its 15 member tribes’ concerted efforts to advance the lives of Indian peoples – economically, socially and politically – so Indian Tribes in Arizona can achieve their goal of self-reliance.”

“We very much appreciate both the Tohono O’odham Nation and Arizona Governor Ducey’s leadership in making this settlement happen. This has been a very contentious issue for many years, and the efforts of both parties were critical to achieving a fair resolution.”

The Tribal Gaming industry has had a tremendous economic impact on Tribal Nations, neighboring communities and Arizona. The vision of AIGA’s founding Leaders provided the basis for an industry that led to gaming enterprises that have helped Tribes provide a beginning to meet decades of unmet needs and have helped Tribes advance in the forms of much needed jobs, infrastructure, programs and services, among other things, to better the opportunities and the future of Tribal members.

The benefits of Tribal Gaming extend beyond Nations’ borders and the impact can be seen with over 15,000 jobs, both direct and indirect, with revenue sharing funds for needed programs benefiting entire communities and regions, and by creating economic development opportunities and much more.

In 2014, AIGA celebrated reaching the $1 billion dollar mark of revenue sharing contributions since 2003; today the Total Tribal Contributions Cumulative have grown to nearly $1.3 billion with funding designated to Education, Trauma and Emergency Services, the Arizona Wildlife Conservation Fund, State Tourism and Towns, Cities and Counties.

Tribal Gaming continues to be beneficial, not just for Tribes, but for all Arizonans. AIGA will continue to advocate, educate, partner and promote Tribal Gaming to protect Tribes’ sovereign right to operate gaming on their lands throughout Arizona.



Tribal Gaming Shared Revenues Update

Total contributions from gaming revenue as of 5/8/17:

Cities & Towns:
$139.1 Million

$564 Million

Trauma Care:
$282 Million

$80.6 Million

$80.6 Million


Apache Sky Casino opens

After much anticipation and delays, the Apache Sky Casino has officially opened.

On Friday April 1, a ribbon cutting Grand Opening ceremony was held at the casino. CEO Matt Olin along with the management team presided over the opening to the public. There was an earlier ceremony presided over by the Tribal Council on Thursday March 31 along with a flag raising which involved veterans from San Carlos. The ceremony was to showcase everyone who contributed to the creation of the Apache Sky Casino. Tribal dignitaries, local mayors and County Supervisors, San Carlos Apache Enterprise Gaming and Apache Gold management team attended.

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Navajo school instills resilience in Diné youth through language continuance efforts

“Béédaałniih: Diné bizaad bídahwiil’aah. Táadoo biligáana k’ehjí yádaalłti’í. Ahéhee’.”

These are the first words that visitors see on a sign at the entrance of Tsé Hootsooí Diné Bi’ Olta’, an elementary immersion school that teaches the Navajo language to its 133 students on the capital of the Navajo Nation.

In English, the sign means, “Remember: We are learning in Diné. Please leave your English outside. Thank you.”

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  1. Matthew Robinson, Founder and Principal, Klas Robinson QED and Myron Moses, San Carlos Apache Gaming Enterprise Board Member at the Indian Gaming convention trade show
  2. AIGA Chairperson Bernadine Burnette at Yavapai-Apache Nation’s Exodus Day
  3. Glenn Hamer, President and CEO, AZ Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Tribal leaders at the AIGA February Tribal Leaders meeting
  4. President Bernadine Burnette, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation; Councilmember Paul Russell, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation and Roger Gros, Publisher, GGB Magazine at the Indian Gaming convention trade show
  5. Councilmember Colleen Faden, White Mountain Apache Tribe presented to the Indigenous Peoples Caucus at the Arizona Capitol
  6. Women in Leadership Keynote Address at Indian Gaming convention
  7. Councilmember Delia Carlyle; Councilmember Gabriel Lopez; Chairman Robert Miguel; Councilmember Ann Marie Antone; Vice-Chairman Alvin Antone at the Ak-Chin Indian Community Tribal Council inauguration
  8. Trade show floor at the Annual Indian Gaming convention
  9. Tribal leader Western Caucus meeting at Indian Gaming Convention
  10. Chairman Roland Maldonado, Kaibab Paiute Tribe speaking at Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day
  11. Apache Sky ribbon cutting featuring San Carlos Apache Tribal leaders and fellow Arizona Tribal leaders
  12. Arizona Tribal leaders at the Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day breakfast
  13. Chairman Terry Rambler, San Carlos Apache Tribe; Judy Ferreira, Acting Executive Director, AIGA; Valerie Sanchez, Industry Relations, AIGA at the Apache Sky Opening
  14. Senator Jamescita Peshlakai (D-LD7) provides a legislative update at American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Arizona luncheon
  15. Indian Gaming convention Trade show ribbon cutting
  16. Indigenous Peoples Caucus presentation at the Arizona Capitol
  17. Jonodev Chaudhuri, Chairman, NIGC at Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation’s Sovereignty Day march
  18. President Bernadine Burnette, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Gwen Bahe and royalty at Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation’s Sovereignty Day
  19. Ft. McDowell Yavapai Nation Sovereignty Day
  20. Vice-Chairman Larry Jackson, Yavapai Apache Nation; State Representative Rebecca Rios, D-Phoenix; Kari McCormick, Director of Client Services, Native American Division, Kitchell; State Senator Katie Hobbs, D-Phoenix; Vice-Chairman Verlon Jose, Tohono O-odham Nation; Chairman Robert Miguel, Ak-Chin Indian Community; Judy Ferreira, Acting Executive Director, AIGA attend the Arizona Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forecast Luncheon
  21. Vice-Chairman Verlon Jose, Tohono O’odham Nation; President Bernadine Burnette, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation; Jonodev Chaudhuri, Chairman, NIGC; Jason Giles, Executive Director, NIGA at the 2017 Congressional Week
  22. Rep. Tom O’Halleran, Democratic Representative for Arizona’s 1st Congressional District, addresses Arizona Tribal Leaders during Congressional Week
  23. Arizona Tribal Leaders, AIGA Associate Members, and AIGA representatives at the Arizona Chamber of Commerce Legislative Forecast Luncheon


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