AIGA News Brief – December 2015

The Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, a presenting sponsor, hosted the annual Arizona Indian Gaming Association (AIGA) Expo October 28-30 at the Talking Stick Resort.

Seasons Greetings From AIGA 2015

Tribal Leaders and Gaming Executives Honor Tradition of Tribal Gaming

Tribal leaders and gaming executives from throughout Indian Country gather every year to share knowledge and discuss issues regarding tribal gaming.

Coin stacksQuarterly Tribal Gaming Contributions Continue to Rise: The Arizona Department of Gaming announces that statewide tribal contributions increased for a fifth consecutive quarter. Tribal contributions to the State from gaming revenue will be approximately $25.6 million for the quarter ending September 30, 2015. This is a 6.4 percent increase when compared to the same quarter of last year.

slotsHow tribal gaming impacts Arizona’s economy: 15K jobs, $1.81 billion: While casino revenues in Arizona are still below their pre-recession peak, they are on the rise again. And projects and developments begun over the course of nearly 30 years of Indian gaming in the state are helping to increase the quality of economic life and the business connections between the tribes and other Arizona communities, according to a new report.

millennialsSome Arizona tribal casinos wage bets on risky demographic: Millennials: Philip Smith remembers the sights, sounds and smells of the last time he went gambling. “I was with my brother, and we were having a great time playing roulette and blackjack with all these different kinds of people,” the 33-year-old Phoenix resident said. “It’s actually really funny seeing the different types of personalities that come out when others play, especially when they are losing.”





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AIGA Associate Member Highlights


The Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry is committed to advancing Arizona’s competitive position in the global economy by advocating free-market policies that stimulate economic growth and prosperity for all Arizonans.

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  1. Valerie Spicer welcomes Tribal Leaders to the Third Annual Tribal Leaders’ Retreat in Sedona, Arizona.
  2. Valerie Spicer provides an overview of AIGA’s 2015 Marketing Plan to Tribal Leaders during the recent annual retreat.
  3. Women in Gaming: State of the Industry at G2E 2015.  Pictured here is Valerie Spicer, Executive Director, AIGA, Maureen Sweeney, COO, Aristocrat Technologies, Phyllis James, Chief Diversity Officer, MGM Resorts Int’l., Lynn Levin Kaufman, Partner, Cooper Levenson, and Moderator Virginia McDowell, President & CEO, Isle of Capri Casinos.
  4. AIGA hosted its first Brown Bag Lunch featuring Chairman Terry Rambler, San Carlos Apache Tribe. Pictured here is Chairman Rambler and AIGA Associate Members.
  5. AIGA staff, OIGA Executive Director Sheila Morago and fellow Tribal Gaming Associates at G2E 2015 in Las Vegas, NV.
  6. Valerie Spicer provides an AIGA Outreach update to the National Indian Gaming Association and Regional Tribal Gaming Associations.
  7. AIGA hosted a Brown Bag Luncheon with Chairman Louis J. Manuel, Jr., AIGA Chairman in November. Pictured here is Chairman Manuel with AIGA staff and Associate Members.
  8. AIGA hosted a Regional Association Meeting during the recent EXPO.  Pictured here are Arizona Tribal Leaders, Chairman Ernie Stevens, Executive Director Jason Giles, Regional Tribal Gaming Association Executive Directors and AIGA staff.


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