Collaborative Efforts Between the State and Tribes Advance Gaming Technology

he Arizona Indian Gaming Association (AIGA) is pleased to announce an agreement with its Member Tribes, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Dan Bergin, Director of the Arizona Department of Gaming (ADG) on the update of Appendix A of the Tribal/State Gaming Compact.

Contact: Valerie Spicer at 480-284-4034

Appendix A determines the technical standards for slot machines and the casino management systems that monitor gaming activity in the Tribal casinos. These standards continue to ensure ADG’s ability to monitor Tribal gaming revenue and, in turn, to determine the revenues shared with the State. While this may seem technical in nature, the willingness of the Ducey Administration to work with the Tribal governments, to update these technical standards, insures that most advanced technology is at work in Arizona offering the best product and regulatory oversight which is extremely critical to Tribal Gaming. AIGA Chairman Terry Rambler stated, “We very much appreciate the Governor’s staff working with Tribal representatives to accomplish this so quickly. It clearly demonstrates his commitment to collaborate with us in making sure complex issues get resolved by working together.”

The revised Appendix allows for the most current technology to be used in the Tribal casinos. According to AIGA Executive Director Valerie Spicer, “This change is in line with industry standards, and greatly improves our ability to monitor and regulate a system that according to the U.S. Government Accounting Office, is already one of the best in the country. It also highlights the professionalism and efficiency of ADG and Director Bergin.” With the approval of the Appendix by the Governor’s Office, Tribes will be able to operate up-to-date technology that meets ADG and independent laboratory standards.

Technological advancements are constant and impact every industry; staying in synch with change for the betterment of the casino product offering, regulatory efficiency and competitive positioning will all be gained with this amendment.

About the AIGA: The Arizona Indian Gaming Association (AIGA), a 501 (c) 6 non-profit organization, has a membership of 18 tribes representing 90% of the Indian people living on reservations in Arizona. The Association is committed to advancing the lives of Indian peoples – economically, socially and politically – so Indian Tribes in Arizona can achieve their goal of self-reliance. Speaking on behalf of its member Tribes with one, unified voice, AIGA serves as a clearinghouse and educational, legislative and public policy resource for Tribes, policymakers and the public on Indian gaming issues and tribal community development. This organization is deeply committed to maintaining and protecting Indian sovereign governmental authority. For more information about the Arizona Indian Gaming Association, please visit


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