International Trade Expert Felipe Garcia Featured Speaker at EXPO/AIGA November 6-8, 2013 at Casino Del Sol Resort, Tucson, AZ

International trade expert Felipe Garcia will be a featured speaker at EXPO/AIGA, the Southwest's Foremost Gaming & Business Summit & Trade Show November 6-8, 2013.

Executive Vice President of Visit Tucson to Address Conference on Doing Business in Mexico

EXPO_2013_ribbonPHOENIX, July 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — Valerie Spicer, Executive Director, Arizona Indian Gaming Association, announced that international trade expert Felipe Garcia will be a featured speaker at EXPO/AIGA, the Southwest’s Foremost Gaming & Business Summit & Trade Show November 6-8, 2013.  The conference and trade show will be held at Casino del Sol Resort, Tucson, Arizona. The resort is owned and operated by the Pascua Yaqui Tribe.

“We are delighted to welcome Felipe Garcia to our conference which focuses on ‘Business Beyond Borders’.  Mexico is important to Arizona in general and to our casinos, in particular.  Mexican visitors are an excellent target market for our casinos.  Felipe brings an extraordinary background in doing business in Mexico, as well as tourism, international trade, investments and business transactions,” said Spicer.

In addition to his position with Visit Tucson, Garcia is the Department of Justice Hispanic Liaison for the City of Tucson, City Clerk’s Office. He has also served as a Board Member of the District Export Council for Arizona to support the growth of Arizona companies internationally and worked for the Tucson-Mexico Trade Office as an economic development specialist.  Previously he served on the National Law Center for Inter-American Free Trade.  He is also the author of several articles pertaining to international trade.

Felipe Garcia holds a law degree from the Monterey Institute of Technology (ITES) in Mexico and an L.L.M. in international trade and investment law from the University of Arizona, James Rogers College of Law.

Registration and exhibitor information, as well as Desert Classic Golf Tournament and Sponsorship opportunities, are available at or call (602) 307-1570.

The Arizona Indian Gaming Association is producing EXPO/AIGA with Red Note, Inc. AIGA has a membership of 17 tribes representing more than 90% of the Indian people living on reservations in Arizona. AIGA was established November 21, 1994 by Arizona tribal leaders.  The Association is committed to advancing the lives of Indian peoples – economically, socially and politically – so that Indian tribes in Arizona can achieve their goal of self-reliance.  Current membership includes:  Ak-Chin Indian Community, Cocopah Tribe, Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Fort Mojave, Fort Yuma-Quechan Tribe, Gila River Indian Community, Havasupai Tribe, Hualapai Tribe, Kaibab-Paiute Tribe, Navajo Nation, Pascua Yaqui Tribe, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community, San Carlos Apache Tribe, Tohono O’odham Nation, White Mountain Apache Tribe, and the Zuni Tribe.

Contact: Strategies Pam Hait or Martha Hunter

SOURCE Arizona Indian Gaming Association


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