NIGC: Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) 2022 Report

Gaming Revenue for FY 2022 is the highest in Indian gaming history. Seven of NIGC’s eight regions showed an increase over FY 2021.
FY2022 Gross Gaming Revenue

FY 2022 Indian Gaming Revenue Breaks Records at $40.9 Billion

WASHINGTON, D.C. July 19, 2023 – Today the National Indian Gaming Commission (NIGC) released Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 2022) Gross Gaming Revenue (GGR) numbers totaling $40.9 billion, an increase of 4.9% over FY 2021.

Chairman E. Sequoyah Simermeyer and Vice Chair Jeannie Hovland made the announcement live from Thackerville, Okla.

Gaming Revenue for FY 2022 is the highest in Indian gaming history. Seven of NIGC’s eight regions showed an increase over FY 2021. The overall FY 2022 GGR increase was $1.9 billion, about 5% higher than the historic FY 2021 GGR of $39 billion, as operations emerged from the pandemic. It is important to note the year-over-year GGR change by region should not be used as a direct indicator of the local economy in any specific re­gion. Many other factors could have an impact on the GGR at the regional level, such as new gaming operations, expansions or renovations to existing operations, temporary or permanent closures, or changes in a gaming operation’s fiscal year.

This year’s historic revenue reflects the resiliency of many tribal gaming operations, and how tribal gaming continues to rebound and remain strong. Tribal governments and the operations they license continue to explore new and innovative ways to expand and deliver world-class experiences to cultivate sustainable economies. Across Indian country, tribes pursue economic sustainability through gaming by relying on the robust regulatory reputation for which Indian gaming is well known, and made better when supported by efficient and effective measures,” said Simermeyer.

Vice Chair Hovland noted this year’s GGR reflects Indian gaming geographic and financial diversity, with 55% of tribal gaming facilities reporting less than $25 million in revenues (5% of the total GGR). Indian gaming’s success also often means benefits to surrounding communities and regional economies. “We have cause to celebrate the opportunity successful Indian gaming operations affords tribes to invest in the future and improve the quality of life for individual Native people, and their families, and their communities,” Hovland said.

The FY 2022 revenues are calculated from the independently audited financial statements of 519 gaming operations owned by 244 federally recognized tribes. Indian gaming operations are located on Indian land in 29 states.

To view the FY 2022 GGR report, click here.

For more information on Gross Gaming Revenue, including charts and graphs, visit


The National Indian Gaming Commission’s mission is to support tribal self-sufficiency and the integrity of Indian gaming through effective regulation. Together with tribes and states, the NIGC regulates more than 500 gaming establishments operated by nearly 250 tribes across 29 states. To learn more, visit and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

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