Arizona Department of Gaming Reports $31.7 Million Tribal Gaming Contributions to the State for the Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021

The Arizona Department of Gaming (ADG) announced today $31,736,218 in tribal gaming contributions to the Arizona Benefits Fund for the State’s second quarter of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.

Quarterly Tribal Gaming Contributions Continue Growth into Fiscal Year 2019

December 15, 2020

“The Tribal Contributions for the second quarter of FY2021 helps display the resilience of the Tribal Gaming Industry in Arizona,” said ADG Director, Ted Vogt. “We thank our Tribal partners from across the state for their hard work in implementing COVID-19 safety protocols to help protect patrons and staff at Arizona casinos.”

Tribal gaming contributions to the Arizona Benefits Fund for the second quarter of State FY2021 follow:

Instructional Improvement Fund/Education: $16,296,837
Trauma and Emergency Services Fund:$8,148,418
Arizona Department of Gaming operating costs:$2,000,000
Arizona Wildlife Conservation Fund: $2,328,119
State Tourism Fund: $2,328,119
Problem Gambling Education, Treatment and Prevention:$634,725
FY2021 Qtr 2 Total: Tribal Gaming Contributions to the Arizona Benefits Fund$31,736,218

Per the Arizona Tribal-State Gaming Compact, Tribes with casinos contribute 1 to 8 percent of their Class III gross gaming revenue to the state, cities, towns and counties. Currently, there are 25 Class III casinos in Arizona, which ADG regulates with Arizona tribes.

About ADG

Established by the Arizona State Legislature in 1995, ADG is the state regulatory agency for tribal gaming, racing and pari-mutuel/simulcast wagering, and unarmed combat sports. ADG also provides and supports education, prevention and treatment programs for people and families affected by problem gambling through its Division of Problem Gambling and 24-hour confidential helpline, 1-800-NEXT-STEP.


World- Class Gaming Regulation for a Stronger Arizona 
1995 – 2020

Media Contact | Max Hartgraves 480.528.0344 |


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