US Senators Agree on Internet Poker Bill Terms

US Senators Agree on Internet Poker Bill Terms

by Sadonna Price on July 16, 2012

Gambling Compliance recently reported that just last week, senate majority leader Harry Reid, of Nevada, and senator John Kyl of Arizona has agreed on the terms of an online poker bill. The online gambling news resource did not have direct quotes from the senators but they did quote the executive director of the Poker Players Alliance, John Pappas, as stating that the negotiations are ‘likely complete’.

Back in January, Reid told the gambling source that his talks with Kyl were in progression but that was all he would release. The drafted legislation has yet to be released and the senators have yet to release a time of the introduction of the bill.

Just a few days ago, Pappas commented on the discussions between Reid and Kyl by stating: “The real deal is going to happen in the senate. It’s been publicly acknowledged (Sen) Jon Kyl and (Sen) Harry Reid are working on a bill. That bill is done. It’s now about timing.”

Pappas went on to state that Kyl views the bill as important to his legacy. He has made a deal and Kly recognizes that to strengthen the law against other act ivies he will carve out poker as the exception. Pappas stated that if they do nothing then they will see what is happening in Delaware which is everything.

The state of Delaware legalized online gambling last weekend their new legislation will allow casino table games as well as poker and video lottery electronic games online. Time is running out for the House to take action so the online poker legislation is very important.

Joe Barton a representative in the state of Texas commented that if they do not get something done by regular order in July, Reid would have to do something after the Presidential election. Barton went on to state that action by this month is unlikely because Fred Upton, the chairman of the House Commerce Committee is facing a primary challenge from his right in August.

Baron also stated that he thinks the House has the votes to pass the legislation but the Senate will not move to pass the online poker legislation until they are sure that they have the votes. Barton stated: “neither party is going to put this up if it’s going to be a dogfight. It will only be put up if people are willing to vote for it.”


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